The nature versus nurture debate is one of the oldest philosophical issues in psychology. Nature refers to the genetic and hereditary factors that influence who we are. These factors range from our physical appearance to our personality characteristics. Nurture refers to the environmental variables that impact who we are. These include our childhood experiences, how we are raised, our social relationships, and our surrounding culture. Different branches of psychology take one versus the other approach. i believe nurture is the reason for a person's behavior based on the events and people in our life.
Nurture is the approach that the environmental factors are the real origin of our behavior. The physical characteristics appear to be strongly influenced by the nurturing an individual experiences from friends and family. Empiricists believe that all or most behaviors and characteristics result from learning. They believe that aside from your genetics, it is about how you are brought up. The nurture approach believes that when an infant forms an attachment it is responding to the love and attention they have received. the language that an individual learns is learned from imitating the speech of others. Our behaviors are learned from our parents behaviors and the people we spend our lives with. …show more content…
The nurture an individual receives has more of an effect on their behavior than nature. Although nature plays an important role, it is more of the foundation and nurture is what furthers the development. If an individual is adopted, biologically they may have physical and behavioral characteristics from their parents, but as they are cared for and nurtured by their adoptive parents they grow to resemble them more. Our family and friends play a huge role in who we become, their behaviors and mannerisms help to form one's own behaviors. Our nurture is how we become who we