In the beginning of the novel when Victor has an idea to make the Creature, he is fascinated by the idea of bringing something lifeless to life. When he starts to create the Creature he builds him out of dead corpses and animal bones. When his project is done he uses lightning to bring …show more content…
The Creature tries to find help for the creator in hopes to impress and seek love from the person that brought him into this world. Instead of taking responsibility for his mistakes and helping to better the Creature's life experiences, he only succeeded at making the creature feel more unwanted and unloved. These kind of treatments tear the monster apart inside and pushes him to act out in anger against society. The Creature asks his father to create him a women to keep him company and he wouldn't bring any further harm to anyone. After Victor says no to making a companion for the Creature, he explains to his creator “Instead of threatening, I am consent to reason with you. I am malicious because I am miserable. Am I not shanned and hated by all mankind” (104). This quote shows that the Creature was not mad is not what made him angry, mankind did. That the nurture that the being received from day one made an impact on how he became so angry throughout the novel.
In the argument of nature versus nurture in the novel ‘Frankenstein’ by Mary Shelley, nurture takes the most impact on why the Creature was so angry at the world. From the start of his life he was mistreated and ill-raised, he wasn't given a chance to see the good in people because no one gave him a chance to be a truly good human being. When beings are not given a certain amount of support and love they are always going to be affected by the horrible things done to them, because our life experiences are what shape us as humans, or