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Ref: (a) Marine Corps Manual (b) Medal of Honor Citation, John A. Basilone (c) Principals of War, Carl Von Clausewitz (d) Warfighting (MCDP 1)
Encl: (1) State what it is.
1. a. (1) (a) 1. a.
For Example
1. The Marine Non Commissioned officer came to be from the need of junior leadership for small detachments of Marines.
2. The role and importance of the United States Marine Corps Non Commissioned Officer (NCO) can be shown by the Non Commissioned Officer Creed.
3. Corporal John Henry Pruitt, an exemplary Marine Non commissioned Officer enlisted into the United States Marine Corps in May 1917, within a month after the United States entered World War I.
When there is a new page, The Subject line must also be at the top of the page, followed by a Enter/Gap then continue the paragraph as shown below.
4. Leading Marines to our Corps is the most important responsibility. Our actions must be the embodiment of the Marine Corps Legacy, in this way we may set the example and allow others to emulate.
Subj: Something
Our ethos is what identifies us as a Marine and that our leadership is different than any other branch of the military. Our Marine Ethos is what drives us to be Semper Fidelis “Always Faithful” in what our Marines do. We have to trust that the Marines under us are good followers, because that is what makes a good leader. Every Marine under the commandant is a follower. “Leadership is a heritage which has passed from Marine to Marine since the founding of the Corps….mainly acquired by