For educators, it is a tool for lesson preparation. They can research on a particular topic through computers; use printers or the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation facility to make their assignments or research more attractive to the viewers. They can make audio/video lessons or use page layouts or word processing which will help them in their presentations. While most students are advantaged using the computer, those who do not have one at home are at a disadvantage for completing assignments that require research and producing a printed document.
The internet facility in computers in particular plays a great role in education. It keeps the students/teachers up to date with the modern world and the continuous changes taking place. Students can research on something through the vast variety of information in the internet. In modern education, online courses are a commonly available in the internet from which students can make their pick and become easily efficient in a particular field.
In the modern fields of education, music and literature classes have the necessity of computers to make their classes more enjoyable. Music classes can trigger complete entertainment if computer’s music software is used. They can learn about varieties of music by listening to files available on the internet through computers. In literature classes, a movie/short movie of the particular story learned, could be displayed to the class to make all the plots and twists or anything in the story more vividly and clearly