The nuclear family with two children and their parents, living together, is represented by the Carver family. Ken Carver (father) s a working man and supports his family while Betty Carver is a stay at home mother. And she performs the household duties. This is the sort of family that, in the past, society has supported. This sort of family is supposed to demonstrate love, security, acceptance and stability. These are the characteristics that children value. The Carver family showed glimpses of these characteristics. Love, shown by Betty Carver, towards her children, and security through the father providing money and material goods. However, this is not the sort of security a child looks for. This family does not function as well as it could. Small town country life may be okay for Ken Carver, but it seems to stifle his wife, and that leads to the breakdown of a happy marriage, and eventually the breakdown of the family life. This family is far from ideal. It does not work and the…