To begin with, business should take a significant role to maximize its positive impacts and minimize its negative impacts in the society, using their rich resource and technology. No firm should neglect the social problems they created in the manufacturing process, in particular the pollution and the exploitation of labor. In Hong Kong, “Love Ideas Love HK” is a public philanthropic campaign initiated by the Li Ka Shing Foundation to improve our community. He utilizes his capital to make a difference. Whereas Foxconn in mainland’s poor working condition has led to the labor unrest. The incident struck the company fame. In fact, business should go beyond the legal responsibility and be the active contributors to enhance the quality of lives and preserve the environment.
Other than their position to compensate for the negative social impacts, socially conscious consumers are very critical and powerful in demanding CSR in the society. Customers can reject any irresponsible or unethical misconduct. This consumerism urged the business to take account of CSR because “they can ignore anyone but can’t afford to lose customers”. Examples would be protesters advocating boycott of KFC due to animal rights issues, as well as Café de Coral reversed its decision on employees’ unpaid mealtimes under massive public protest. Consumers are now looking for more than a bargain. They tend to search for brands with