In order to cope with this problem and avoid the large number of calculations, interpolation functions are used to bring physical system to state in which the number of degrees of freedom is known. Components are divided in regard to mass. Components with lower mass are treated as deformable bonds, and those with larger mass are treated as mass points or rigid bodies. Vibroacoustic signal is often incorrectly identified with acoustic vibrations. This is caused by fact that the definitions of both vibroacoustic signal and
In order to cope with this problem and avoid the large number of calculations, interpolation functions are used to bring physical system to state in which the number of degrees of freedom is known. Components are divided in regard to mass. Components with lower mass are treated as deformable bonds, and those with larger mass are treated as mass points or rigid bodies. Vibroacoustic signal is often incorrectly identified with acoustic vibrations. This is caused by fact that the definitions of both vibroacoustic signal and