The first and most obvious disadvantage is the higher sea levels. Due to the warmer climates many ice caps are melting down which are increasing the sea levels and affecting the low-lying lands. The water is reaching these lands and flooding them over. Many places in the coasts around the world, will disappear if this happens, places such as Shanghai, Holland, Bangladesh, San Francisco, Florida, Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Campeche etc. This issue brings many other consequent problems such deaths and many diseases from food and evacuations.
Another main negative effect is the bad life conditions that many parts of the world will suffer. These bad life conditions may be starvation, malnutrition and increased deaths due to food and crop shortages. Also there will be water shortage in already water-scarce areas and deserts get drier leaving to increased desertification. Human health will be decreasing because of the high levels of air pollution in our environment, and will cause problems such as allergies and asthma.
The last disadvantage is the huge negative impact that global warming causes on the weather. Since the temperatures of our planet will begin to rise, there will be more extreme weather. These drastic changes in the climate will cause increased frequency in natural disasters. Many of these severe and catastrophic disasters will be such as storms, avalanches, landslides, heat waves, and acidity of rainfall. All