Negative Effects of Technology on Children
March 21, 2010
According to a New York Times article this January, the average kid, ages 8-18, spends over 7 ½ hours a day using technology gadgets equaling 2 ½ hours of music, almost 5 hours of tv and movies, three hours of internet and video games, and just 38 minutes of old fashioned reading according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, which adds up to 75 hours a week! These statistics are not just mere numbers; they are a reflection of the way our society is heading. There is a direct correlation of amount of hours spent with gadgets and obesity, poor grades, impatience, violence, and a loss of family interest.
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in a study in 2004, 16% of children (over 9 million) that are between the ages of 6 -19 years old are overweight or obese, a number that has tripled since 1980 (mostly due to electronic usage). Being overweight can bring with it great health concerns. Many of these children have a good chance of developing Type II Diabetes, asthma, sleep apnea, social discrimination, high cholesterol and/or blood pressure. Also, according to a Stanford University of Medicine study, elementary students consume 20% of their daily calorie intake while watching television, which usually includes unhealthy snacks, largely due to advertisements for junk food and boredom. Coincidently, kids are not burning off any of these calories while they are plopped in front of the television.
Another area of focus is that children who spend too much time in front of the television or playing video games tend to have worse grades than those students who are active and involved in extracurricular activities. Studies have shown that since they are so used to multi-tasking they have trouble focusing all of their attention on schoolwork. Studies performed by Dr. Rosen at Cal State showed that 16-18 year olds perform 7 tasks, on average, at one time
Cited: "If Your Kids Are Awake, Theyre Probably Online -" The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. Web. 21 Mar. 2010. "Kids Eat Hefty Number of Calories While Watching TV." Stanford News. Web. 21 Mar. 2010. "NACHRI & N.A.C.H. | Childhood Obesity Statistics and Facts." NACHRI & N.A.C.H. | HOME. Web. 21 Mar. 2010. "Obesity and Overweight for Professionals: Childhood | DNPAO | CDC." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web. 21 Mar. 2010. "Television." California State University, Northridge. Web. 21 Mar. 2010. November 23, 2011 By Steven Vea La Salle Green Hills (LSGH) and Samsung Electronics Philippines Corporation (SEPCO) collaborated to launch PEARL, the school’s new eTextbook/Personal Learning device.