their skin allowed them to differentiate them between slaves and common people.
The slave trade from Africa allowed crops like potatoes and tobacco to be successfully grown and traded to European countries. This resulted in a loss of population in Africa and also created a social class differentiation in the Americas putting African slaves at the bottom. In exchange of these slaves, weaponry and alcohol were traded to African countries from Europe. Europe gained gold, silver, crops, and glory from the Columbian exchange. The reason of colonization was to gain money and to glorify the mother country. Therefore, by receiving the bouillon and land, they grew more powerful and a race through the Americas took place. European nations desired more land and manifested all they acquired. As Europe’s glory grew, Spain and England specifically established more permanent colonies. Many times, they would pirate each other’s boats while
voyaging. Elizabeth I of England hired her own pirate, Sir Walter Raleigh, and along with the wealth she gained rightfully from her colonies, stole from voyaging Spanish ships to gain even more gold and silver. Mercantilism was motivating monarchs like Elizabeth I to go to great lengths to become wealthy. Mercantilism was the belief that a monarch’s power is a result of the monarch’s wealth, and as a result of that, wealth is finite. Coffee and wheat are examples of crops that came from Europe to the Americas. As a result of the direct trading, European diseases came to the colonies. Smallpox, malaria, and yellow fever began destroying native populations in the Americas. This created even more of a demand for slaves.
American colonies grew, Europe became more powerful, and Africa became only an outlet for slaves. The native African population declined because of the slave trade. American population declined as a result of European diseases. European population declined from migration to the Americas. However European population in American colonies grew rapidly. The European nations that were eager to colonize like Spain, England, and Portugal became very powerful. Their economies grew and their dependance on the colonies also grew. The American colonies flourished as they developed and eventually became independent. This independence grew and eventually the British colonies revolutionized and broke away from the mother country England. Therefore a major result of the Columbian Exchange technically is the United States of America.