As we evaluate the effectiveness of the neighborhood watch program in the City of Bird Island, Minnesota we will try to persuade the mayor of Bird Island of how effective the neighborhood watch program has been thus far. Over the past few years the crime statistics have shown that the crime rate has continued to rise throughout the state of Minnesota. However, with the staggering numbers constantly growing, Bird Island has kept low numbers of crime statically that have been committed in Bird Island. The neighborhood watch program in the City of Bird Island has shown to be very proactive in deterring crime.
The City of Bird Island neighborhood watch program has lead several community based programs to educate the residences of Bird Island how to protect themselves against violent acts of crimes. Property crimes in the City of Bird Island have been on the rise, and what better way to educate the neighborhood of such crimes by the neighborhood watch program. Despite the small population in the City of Bird Island, there will always be crimes that are being committed throughout the city. The Bird Island Police Department has two full-time sworn officers and several part-time who are dedicated to meeting the community’s law enforcement needs. If for any reason the City of Bird Island should have a major emergency which calls for extra law enforcement presence the Renville County Sheriff’s Department could assist.
The concept of deterrence originated from the study of classical criminology. Preventing crime by punishment to induce reform is one of the principles which defined the classical concept. The early followers of classical concept punished criminals with torture and dismemberment at times. The classical concept also includes the concepts of free will, pain, and pleasure. The gain of a crime is considered the pleasure and the pain is the punishment. Neighborhood watch as a deterrent would classified as classical thought
References: O 'Connor, T. December 2006. In Part of web cited Study of Criminology, MegaLinks in Criminal Justice. Retrieved from: of URL accessed 02/13/09. Frank Schmalleger. Social Structure Theories. Criminology Today. Integrative Introduction, Fifth Edition. 2009. Frank Schmalleger. Theories of Social Process and Social Development. Criminology Today. Integrative Introduction. Fifth Edition. 2009. Minnesota Policed Department. Retrieved from: http: //