Katrina grew up in a family that did almost everything for her. Therefore katrina is a spoiled brat. Katrina views the world as a place of being welcomed. Katrina feels this way because she gets her way with everyone.”Dad can I borrow your BMW to go to the game saturday”? “No” her father exclaimed. Katrina threw her arms against her chest and with the quickness her father said yes. She feels that she can make it through life easily “My mom and dad gives me money anyway I don’t have to lift a finger”.She feels that school is the only way out of the game she got herself into. The world to katrina is that life is a pot of gold something she has rapped around her finger but later, feels trapped with the love triangle she gets herself into.”I’m young I don’t have to do anything on my own”.
I view the world as a very cold place that you have to take advantage of. Nothing is given to you here you have to take every piece of education you get your hands on. In this world there is nothing but jealous, fake friends and, stubborn people that you just have to ignore. This world Is no joke, this is someplace that money and love are the two things that will mess you up inside and out. It’s a easy place to get caught up and trapped in.The government take taxes out of use because of the debt we are in today. I say the world can take advantage of just about anyone and …show more content…
Karina goes ad makes music to set her mind off of her personal problems. ‘Katrina slams the door to her room and without another word plays the piano”. Katrina also calls up her friends to come over and talk about things that happen. She listens to music and maybe even call her boyfriend over to talk to him about the problem that made her upset. Katrina and her girls made a packet that they all would keep their innocence until the night of prom when each of them settled with their boyfriends. One of katrina’s friends broke the promise and they all lost trust for each other and relationships as friends were ruined. katrina dealt with this by talking out their