This masterpiece was created by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres in 1814 and is perfect example of Neoclassicism which was the revolt of the Rococo style of art. The artwork is placed in the Louvre Museum in Paris. This painting captures the image of an odalisque, which we refer to as a concubine. The painting depicts beautiful hues of blue, and a dark background and shadows which creates a seductive scenery while enhancing the curves and shapes of the model. With the contrast of light and dark colors, Ingres was able to achieve the illusion of depth. Ingres favored long sinuous lines which is show through the way he painted her elongated back. The volumes of the nude, bathed in an even light, are toned down in a space without depth (Louvre). I also like the details of his work, from the detailed headpiece, jewelry, feather duster and even the designs strategically placed on the curtains. Ingres was highly criticized for his art work and his paintings were unpopular due to others not understanding his …show more content…
While both may be considered seductive, risqué and striking, they both portray images of what men during those times may deem as beautiful. In contrast, each of the subjects represent different times. The "Resting Girl" portrays a young women who was deemed as a mistress, while the "Grand Odalisque" portrays a concubine in an elaborate setting with flamboyant objects that glamorize who she is. These paintings can also be debated upon in recent times. Many women pose on covers like Vogue and Harpers Bazaar and escape ridicule as models of our time, but women who pose nude in other places like online and social media outlets are