Level 3 refers to the neonatal intensive care unit, also known as the NICU. Level 3 neonatal nurse will be taking care of very sick, small or premature infants. These newborns will need intensive care could be ventilators, incubators, surgeries, or other high technological equipment. Level 3 nurseries are mainly in large university hospitals. Also level 3 neonatal …show more content…
The first skill you will need is to be able to report and record keeping skills because when you have a patient you have to keep everything you and the patients does down on paper. The second one you will need is to be compassionate because when talking your patients parents they may be emotional and you to to comfort them. The third thing you need is to be emotionally stable because you won't be able to help your patient to the best of your ability if you can't keep yourself stable. The fourth skill you will need is to be a leader, if your patients stops breathing you're the one that everyone looks to to tell them what to …show more content…
Direct or supervise less-skilled nursing or health care personnel or supervise a particular unit.
Prepare patients for and assist with examinations or treatments.
Generally neonatal nurses work 12 hour day or night shifts. There are some nurses who work 8-10 hour shifts but that this a flexible schedule. Also you could get have split shifts or seasonal shifts. The beginning salary is about $44,190 that isn't bad for a beginning nurse. The average salary for a RN is about $50,940. The highest of high exceptional salary an RN can receive is around $95,130.
There are more to gain from this job than just money, some benefits you might enjoy. To save babies lives, and meet new people everyday. Help bring babies into the world. What an amazing offer to help newborns learn to eat and help them grow before they could even open their eyes. Not all situations turn out to be wonderful other times it could be depressing not trying to put you down but its just facts. You may have to watch and a baby lose their lives before they even get a chance at life or watch a family fall to their knees, freeze and look to you for answers that you can’t give