Sustainability can be defined as the capacity to endure. Our world today, populated by nearly 7 billion people - number that will reach 9 billion by the year 2050 - is using more and more resources each day. Our main resource of energy, the oil, has already reached its climax, which mean that we will run out of it within 40 years; our forests are disappearing; our lands are degrading because of intensive farming.. All this to make way for profit.
We are living in a critical time, where global supply of natural resources and eco-system services are declining dramatically, while demand for these resources is escalating.
In such a situation, we need to rethink the path we are taking. We have come to realize that we do need to make sound decisions at present in order to avoid limiting the choices of generations to come. A global awareness is rising and changing the way we think our world. We are realizing our responsibility towards our planet and most of all towards the future generations.
The shape of a new era of sustainability is coming into view. Companies around the World can no longer ignore it.
While a few years back the notion of sustainability was just emerging and still vague to most of the companies, some of them were precursors, as was Nestlé.
Nestlé has been into sustainable agriculture for decades. We are going to see what were its main initiatives regarding sustainability so we can understand what is the best alternative solution for an efficient strategy. It is important to first know a bit more about Nestlé and its stakeholders to understand better its position regarding sustainability. From then, we’ll see what are its actions and how there is most probably an alternative solution, if we take the sustainability as seen today one step further.
I. Nestlé II. Nestlé and the sustainability III. Sustainability Dimensions IV. One