It was a religion that thrived at the expense of classical paganism – In the Christian homeland, Judaism remained a dominant religion that was a non-proselytising religion that even though it did not spread much, it learnt to evolve and incorporate new traditions of study and practice. As the religion expanded eastward as well as westward, the process of evolution and change occurred and as a result there were numerous differences from place to place in the original doctrine and the form of worship. The spread along the Silk Road was more so in the form of Nestorianism, which followed the teachings of Nestorius, who was a fifth century patriarch of Constantinople who outraged the Roman and Byzantine Empires with his unorthodox doctrines, such as the one that gave the Virgin the titles of the “Mother of God”. The Nestorian format for Christian belief spread to Persia, India, and China, which was brought across in the format of the Syriac language. Undoubtedly, there were far less Christians than there were Buddhists in Central Asia, but there had been an almost equal amount of churches in the…