336010 Assess Skills for Implementing Complex Networks
3575-spv Troubleshooting VLANs and Router-on-a-Stick
Name: Francisco Santoya
Date: 8/22/2012
Professor: Daryabigi
336010 Assess Skills for Implementing Complex Networks (10 points)
Write a paragraph (minimum five college-level sentences) below that summarizes what was accomplished in this lab, what you learned by performing it, how it relates to this week’s TCO’s and other course material; and just as important, how you feel it will benefit you in your academic and professional career
In this week’s Lab I learned how to troubleshoot the physical layer. Moreover I learned how to troubleshooting trunks and troubleshoot layer 3 addressing. In addition I change the speed of an interface and changed the duplex setting of interface then I configure active interfaces with descriptions, afterwards customized the MAC address used by an interface. This exercise was beneficial because it was timed, and a real life career setting time constraints are always a factor. In addition this newly acquired knowledge Troubleshooting router-on-a-stick configurations will most likely be on the CCNA test.
3575-spv Troubleshooting VLANs and Router-on-a-Stick
Also, after completing the lab, you must show your work by copying and pasting a screenshot of the following configurations/verification:
Task 1: Verify physical layer is up on all devices (3 points)
Task 2: Verify trunks are configured on all switches (3 points)
Task 3: Verify the correct VLANs have been propagated (3 points)
Task 4: Verify correct access port configuration (3 points)
Task 5: Verify router’s configuration (3points)
Task 6: Test all connectivity with pings (3 points)
Paste a screenshot of your completed ElementK lab transcript found at Home/Account/Information/Transcript. Your name must appear on your transcript (2 points)
Please post all screenshots and summary on the same document.