I will be establishing a branch office tunnel to connect the Miami and Cairo locations. You also want to look into placing a DC (2003 server) in the main office and make sure that DC is also a GC (Global Catalog Server) and a DNS. That way, users can authenticate to the domain locally. This will cut down on your traffic over the VPN. If needed, you can also replicate some company folders overnight to that DC. If configured right, you can bridge the traffic directly into your LAN, bypassing the ISA. That way your users can
I will be establishing a branch office tunnel to connect the Miami and Cairo locations. You also want to look into placing a DC (2003 server) in the main office and make sure that DC is also a GC (Global Catalog Server) and a DNS. That way, users can authenticate to the domain locally. This will cut down on your traffic over the VPN. If needed, you can also replicate some company folders overnight to that DC. If configured right, you can bridge the traffic directly into your LAN, bypassing the ISA. That way your users can