Network Overview
With only three stores, their company is structured with only a few departments: Administration, consisting of Finance & Accounting, Sales & Marketing, Human Resources, Operations, and Information Technology. With only three locations, Kudler does not need an extensive organization. They currently have a Bus Topology implemented that does not allow the stores to communicate with each other. The networks are separate and if a network server goes down, there are not any backups or securities set up. The ability to communicate wirelessly will give Kudler some mobility and will allow the locations to be centralized. The La Jolla and Del Mar locations each have a Novel 4.11 Server for POS as well as a UPS-Standalone tower, a bublejet printer, and a 56k modem. Their six computers are hooked up to a Ethernet Network and all systems use the Ethernet Network to hook on to the Internet. The Encinitas location has a Novell 4.11 Server for POS as well. Their location is a bit smaller with only three computers. Their network includes a 56k modem and Internet.
A major part of the upgrade will consist of sales kiosks to have new computers with wireless networking capability. They will also include anti-virus software to protect client information from being attacked by viruses or worms.