In today’s modern world computer networks are the basic source of information exchange for all types of businesses. Different technologies are used within the context of networking depending on the requirements of an organization. Ethernet is off course the best technology for the “local area network” (LAN), but when the organization spread their business to much longer distances (cities) then WAN technologies need to be deployed to keep the business running. The selection of an appropriate WAN technology that can ensure efficiency and security of the business network is off course a challenging task for a network specialist.
I am commissioned by a nationwide firm of lawyers and accountants to perform such a challenging task. The firm has its Head office in Manchester and a branch office in Glasgow. My job is to produce a consultation report to connect both of their sites together using an appropriate WAN technology and then specify and design their “network security provision”. In this report I am going to discuss different WAN technologies and will select the best among them i.e. IP VPN to connect our network sites together. Based on the diagrams provided for the planes of two sites I will identify the areas of security weaknesses and risks and will recommend the necessary solutions to overcome those weaknesses. I will then present techniques to prevent our network from several viruses and malicious softwares that could destroy our network. I will suggest some necessary actions to be carried out in order to strengthen the security of our network. Finally I will enlighten the role of switches in securing networks and will explain the role of “IEEE 802.1x protocol” in our “network security provision”. Keeping in mind all the above key factors I will produce a complete report of “network security provision” for the lawyers and accountants firm that will gain their entire satisfaction.
References: 1. Dash, T. (1999) Network Primer. The AT & T Foundation. 2. Berg, G. (1998) MCSE Networking essentials. 2nd Edition. New Riders Publishing, pp. 305-307. 3. Pepelnjak, I. et al. (2003) MPLS and VPN Architecture. 2ND Edition. USA: Cisco Press. 4. Stallings, W. (2007) Networking Security Essentials. 3rd Edition. USA: Pearson Education, Inc. 5. Carroll, B. (2004) Cisco Access Control Security: AAA Administrative Services. USA: Cisco Press. 6. Maiwald, E. (2003) Network Security: A Beginer’s Guide. 2nd Edition. USA: McGraw-Hill. 7. Malik, S. (2003) Network Security: Principles and Practices. USA: Cisco press. 8. 8. Jog, K.F. (1997). ISDN. Available: 9 10. Byte Me Computer Services. (2004) Internet Services broadband. Available: Last accessed 15/04/2010. 11. NSGDatacom. (2006) Frame Relay Networks. Available: Last accessed 15/04/2010. 12. Cisco. (1992-2010) Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Switching. Available: Last accessed 16/04/2010 13 14. Astro communications Ltd .(2008) IP VPN Services (MPLS and IP Sec), pp. 1-7 15