Neuroscience paradigm holds that mental disorders are linked to abnormal processes in the brain. The human nervous system is divided into the central nervous system. The nervous system includes the brain, the spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system. Biological causal factors cause neurotransmitter and hormonal imbalances in the brain. Hippocrates suggested that abnormal behavior should be treated the same as other diseases. He believed that the disorders affected the operational of the emotion, wisdom, and intellect located logically in the brain. He believed that abnormal behavior is a product of internal physical problems. The cognitive behavior paradigm provides a richer explanation of the mental disorder. It views abnormal behavior as a product of learning. These behaviors are learned either consciously or unconsciously. Pavlov and B. F. Skinner were two earlier prominent contributors to learning theory and research. Pavlov is the father of classical conditioning. Skinner’s principle of operant conditioning proclaims that learned behavior is a purpose of its consequences. Skinner purposely discards that people imaginatively make their own
Neuroscience paradigm holds that mental disorders are linked to abnormal processes in the brain. The human nervous system is divided into the central nervous system. The nervous system includes the brain, the spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system. Biological causal factors cause neurotransmitter and hormonal imbalances in the brain. Hippocrates suggested that abnormal behavior should be treated the same as other diseases. He believed that the disorders affected the operational of the emotion, wisdom, and intellect located logically in the brain. He believed that abnormal behavior is a product of internal physical problems. The cognitive behavior paradigm provides a richer explanation of the mental disorder. It views abnormal behavior as a product of learning. These behaviors are learned either consciously or unconsciously. Pavlov and B. F. Skinner were two earlier prominent contributors to learning theory and research. Pavlov is the father of classical conditioning. Skinner’s principle of operant conditioning proclaims that learned behavior is a purpose of its consequences. Skinner purposely discards that people imaginatively make their own