P.5 s P.6
What is neurotransmitters?
Types of neurotransmitters
The function of it
How does it works?
Major neurotransmitter system
If it goes wrong , we will…
Source of information
What is neurotransmitters?
It is a kind of chemical which used to transmit signal across a synapse to t he dendron of the next neurone.
Most neurotransmitters are about the size of a single amino acid but some of them may be the size of larger pro teins or peptides.
Types of neurotransmitters
the main neurotransmitters are amino acids, amines ,peptides, and certain soluble gases.
Amino acids: glutamate, aspartate(Aspartic acid ), glycine( 甘氨酸 )
Amines( 胺 ): dopamine( 多巴胺 )(DA), norepi nephrine (noradrenaline; NE, NA), epinephrin e (adrenaline), histamine, serotonin (SER, 5HT)
Soluble gases: nitric oxide (NO), carbon mo noxide (CO),
The function of it
It carries messages between neurons through influence on the postsynapti c membrane.
Have little or no effect on membrane voltage and change the structure of t he synapse.
It communicates by sending reversedirection messages that have an imp act on the release or reuptake of tran smitters. How does it works?
First , it will detach from receptor, drifting out of the synaptic cleft , and diffuse across syna pse here it becomes absorbed by glial cells.
Then , it will have enzyme degradation to bre ak it down.
Finally, it will reuptake neurotransmitter into the neuron. Transporters, or membrane trans port proteins, let neurotransmitters from the synaptic cleft back into axon terminals where they are stored.
Major neurotransmitter syst ems
The largest system is in the brain call ed noradrenaline system, others are t he dopamine system, the serotonin s ystem and the cholinergic system.
Each systems will have its specific fu nction e.g. the dopamine system con trols the mood of humans , and nora drenaline system make us do respirat