Marian, Sophia, and Lilian achieved ego integrity by remembering and coming to terms with their past. They had lived full lives, raised kids, worked in different occupational fields, and began reminiscing about their past lives and original identities. They had to go back to Poland to recount their memories, losses, and confront their tragic pasts. In order for them to survive the holocaust, they had to give up their real identities and even relocate. By confronting their pasts, however painful the memories were, they were able to accept it, move on and free themselves of any regrets, thereby achieving ego integrity.
Another feature of Erikson’s final developmental stage was demonstrated by the woman in the apartment who said she hated the Germans. As she recounted her experience, it was obvious she still held some resentment and anger. She said not only did she hate them, she hated their language even though she admitted she …show more content…
They were faced with the crisis of ego integrity versus despair as theorized by Erikson. It involved them reminiscing about their past and abandoned lives and identities. In the video, most of the survivors were able to confront and come to terms with their tragic history, thereby resolving the crisis and achieving ego integrity. On the other hand, one of them seemed not to be at peace with her past experiences and harbored some residual anger and hatred. She could be said to not have resolved her crisis positively and this could mean she not moving on and ending in