Emerging technologies is one of the central topics in academy research. As proof of that we have always new technologies coming in, and these new technologies they arrive with a perceptible change to the market.
Emerging technologies – technologies seen as been capable of altering the status quo. Usually these technologies are novel, but also include old technologies. They have a fast progress, consistency, noticeable effect, uncertainty, and ambiguity (Rotolo et al., 2015).
In this report will presented some noticeable points to the history, different types, the benefits and limitations, competitive advantages, and costs and ownership of emerging technologies. 2.1 New And Emerging Technologies …show more content…
The system in use by Zara also allows fast communication among different departments and provide daily reports on sales (Pearlson & Saunders, 2013, p.44 and 45).
2.5 Costs And Ownership Of New And Emerging Technologies
Emerging technologies have made advertisement and launch of products more affordable, and a decrease on a cost of operation, that has a huge responsibility in the development of the company. With a decrease in cost of production an organisation u increase the ROI (Return on Investment) and will result on business growth (Ramey, 2012).
ROI is calculated dividing the netprofit by cost of investment and multiplied by 100.
Example: An organisation has a total cost of production for tablet of R4 499,99 and sell for R5 599,99.
ROI = (1100/4499.99)x100 = 24,44%.
TCO “Total Cost of Ownership”
Is an estimation of the total cost of a product or service that works over the whole of their lifetime. Combines the acquisition price plus all other costs you will encounter, minus the income you have receive (Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment ,