245 0 Google +1 1 0 As discussed in the article, Determining the product release, it is important to differentiate between the release of the product (technical release) and the actual launch of the product to market. You must complete several activities to ensure that your product is ready to launch and purchase. Most of these functions are business-related, not technical.
Launch timing
Engage in launch activities in parallel with the technical delivery of your product. Your goal is to have both your team set to launch and your product ready to go at the same time. If this is not possible, hold one until the other is complete so that the launch can include the two. While having the product ready to be delivered to customers is extremely important, its impact will be less if your organization and marketing efforts are not prepared. Not having the technical aspects ready will jeopardize the revenue-making capability of your launch.
Launch elements
Each product launch should include the following business deliverables:
Product documentation : Complete your documentation for the product launch to ensure that customers understand the product’s functionality and can look up answers to their questions.
Legal considerations : Create a legal agreement that outlines your liabilities and promises to the customer.
Product-release training : Although your engineers and testers might fully understand the functionality that is being delivered, train the rest of your team. This includes instruction on how the product works, what can go wrong and how to handle commonly asked questions.
Sales enablement : Prepare the tools that you can use while selling (e.g., sell sheets, white papers). These tools will provide customers with product-related material that they can review and also share with others.
Review of the entire product package : Review how your product is delivered to the customer. How do they buy? How will they