5S is a workplace organization method with 5 primary phases to organize a work space for efficiency and effectiveness by eliminating unnecessary items, arranging them systematically, keeping the workplace organized, standardizing and sustaining the efforts.
Store Supervisor, Sugumar and his team recently created 6S by merging SORT (Seiri), STABILIZE (Seiton), SHINE (Seiso), STANDADIZE (Seiketsu), SUSTAIN (Shitsuke) with his STORE to give his department a major facelift and makeover to improve the utilization of space, equipment and labour, and better accessibility and protection of the materials.
According to Sugumar, the 5S program was not a once-a-year spring cleaning exercise but a “continuous improvements” endeavour to lay the platform to cultivate team spirit, discipline, productivity, commitment and responsibility.
One of the main beneficiaries of the complete makeover is the Maintenance personnel who now receive the spare parts for their repair works in a much shorter time. Spare parts and other items are now stored in cleaner, and more accessible and organized storage environment which requires less time to retrieve. In addition, Store personnel has found themselves more time to manage inventories in a more effective manner while reducing obsolescence and inventory costs.
There are perhaps 2 more important “S” – SAFETY and SYNERGY – that we need to follow. Eliminate hazards and always ensure SAFETY in our workplaces. And through SYNERGY, other departments and Operating Centres should learn from one another and work cohesively to incorporate 5S into our daily work regimens. With these, we should be able to