Selection Criteria o Free from any problems involving character …show more content…
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is a psychological testing instrument designed to offer inferences about a subject’s personality. The test has over 500 items that are grouped into categories but scattered randomly throughout the test and the responses are used to determine personality characteristics. It has been shown to be an effective instrument for determining personality traits and how they will apply to the job. Job knowledge can be ascertained by reviewing the applicant’s resume and verifying his entries and by the interview process. His/her academic records may also be analyzed to determine relevant education in criminal justice. The structured interview may also be used to expand on a person’s intellectual qualifications for the job. The interview process can reveal much about an applicant’s desire to become a police officer, ability to handle the physical, mental and emotional demands of the job and what type of officer the applicant may become; i.e. a violent past, criminal misconduct, lawsuits,