Another issue with Next Step’s ethics program is the question of whether Next Step actually sends researchers all over the globe. The recruiter did not confirm or deny it when Ramona asked about these opportunities, “We have the greatest P.R. people in the corporate world. Our P.R. people do make a habit of taking promotional photos in exotic locations, but of course most of our products are actually developed in our laboratories right here in Seattle”. This information is misleading and slightly dishonest; it led Ramona to believe that if she were an employee of the company, she would have that opportunity.
Finally, to enter into the company thinking she might have the small possibility of changing the company’s culture even if a new company bought Next Step is a little unrealistic. Change is nearly impossible, unless top management endorses the change: “When left to their own devices, cultural change is painful and people don 't
References: Crossway. (2001-2014). English Standard Version Bible. Retrieved from MacDonald, Chris. (2010). Ethics as Strategy and Marketing. Retrieved from Flanagan, P. (1995). The ABCs of changing corporate culture. Management Review, 84(7), 57. Retrieved from