Everyone would be equally respected. As kids, most people are told to respect their elders regardless of their gender. One of the first rules you learn in school is, treat others how you want to be treated; that rule applies to everyone. So why is a woman treated any different than a man? “We use the respect for something a woman shows a man but often not for something a man shows a woman.” (Adichie) Everyone is looking for respect, wherever the person is, and gender should not affect that decision. …show more content…
If people condition their children to treat women and men equally, no matter what their gender, race, sexuality, or beliefs are, the world would be transformed. “My community is female. My culture is female.” (Mithlo) A person creates their own beliefs, their own mindset, and their own culture. The world is constantly changing and so the people adapt to the changes. “If we do something over and over, it becomes normal. If we see the same thing over and over, it becomes normal. (Adichie) It is not the 1800 where women do not have an opinion or a voice. This is the 21st century, where women have their own stable jobs, are supporting their families, and achieving dreams of their own. “Culture does not make people. People make culture…But culture is constantly changing.” (Adichie) In order to see change, a person has to start with