Nicodemus is totally clueless since he is in part ridiculing Jesus’ words: “You must be born again,” or he is rejecting the idea of being born again, or he thought it was not necessary. Nicodemus was not a coward, but he was a committed follower with certain doubts who knew where Jesus was from; that he was from above; but who needs to clarify that water and Spirit are the symbols of the Truth, Jesus …show more content…
Nicodemus, like most of us, are clueless as well in what it means to be born again of the Spirit. It is about to invite verbally to Jesus to come to our hearts, to enter into our beings. Then, the Holy Spirit enters and abides within us fulfilling, changing and enhancing our lives. Baptism of Spirit is the same breath of God that Jesus gave to his disciples after his resurrection. As John the Baptist was testifier with water, Jesus is testifier of the Father with the same Spirit of God. We believe in the Truth because of the same spirit then we become children of God. The wind (the Spirit) is a mystery. And this is true in the sense that we cannot see or understand the work of the Holy Spirit in us, it is part of the Divine Providence, however, we do understand the part of the disposition, to be able to accept Jesus and to invite Him to our hearts, so he could be part of our mess, be part of our struggles, and guide us as children of God who are journeying to the house of the Lord. Receiving the Spirit could not be seen but like the mighty wing, his presence is