It is not any ones choice to be
obese. Individuals become that way from factors such as stress, genes, and other health issues. Many try to become healthy and slim down, however most of them fail to succeed. So why is it society chooses to fat shame? Pointing out their insecurities will only wither their mentality and self-esteem. It promotes even more unhealthy habits such as eating disorders like stress-eating or anorexia. Because they are constantly being judged by their weight, obese or even just chubby individuals will start succumb to the critics. In east asian countries such as China, Japan and Korea, people are judged heavily by their weight. Coming from an asian family, fat shaming is definitely a common issue. Bigger individuals are often nicknamed “肥肥” (Féi féi) which means fattie in Chinese. Just imagine how it must feel to hear that from your close friends and family members. Likewise, asian women dream of becoming stick thin and are surrounded by idols who fit the ideal body type. Disorders such as anorexia is not even considered an issue. Women are often practicing dieting and exercise regimes, such as solely eating lettuce or working out intensely for extended periods of time. So what to what you were saying Arbour, no being fat is not “basically assisted-suicide” and saying that is not helping anyone. Not even yourself.
In an interview with BBC, Arbour attempts to defend herself insisting, “I don't shame people. It was an act. I go back to myself versus my stand-up comedy mode". So because she was not saying offensive comments as herself, but as a character it is justified. While there are offensive characters in the media, such as Peter Griffin, they work because the characters themselves are the ones we are laughing at. However, here you have a women trying to act like a stereotypical blonde, bashing fat people. Oh Nicole that is so hilarious! Good job, go treat yourself to a frappe from Starbucks. Instead of criticizing them, for their insecurities, we should promote realistic portrayals of bodies. Although as human we automatically appeal to the our set ideals, we need to start loving ourselves and others. It might take awhile to get to that point, but our society should start gradually changing its views.