Question 1:
Friedrich Nietzsche is a German Philosopher, who studied and written several critical texts. The type of texts he wrote were along the lines of philosophy, religion, contemporary culture, and science. Nietzsche is known for a lot of his work, but master-slave morality is highly valued. Master-slave morality was the first subject in Nietzsche’s book, On the Genealogy of Morality. In this book Nietzsche defines the difference between Slave morality and Master morality. When Nietzsche compares between the two types of morality he distinguish strength versus weakness, the difference is primarily one of power and also love independence. The master knows he has power and abilities to aspire to excellence, also he …show more content…
Kant, worked on ethics and wrote two general schools of thoughts. The first theory is consequentialist moral theories, which divides the thought of right and wrong based on the outcome and it consequence of an action, therefore the end justifies the means.The second theory is deontology which is similar to consequentialist but instead right and wrong based upon oneself. Thus categorical imperative was introduced, categorical imperative is based upon kant's idea that morality is derived by rationality and all moral judgement are rationally supported, in other words what’s right is right and what’s wrong is wrong. In more detail into categorical Imperative, there are three maxim, first maxim is all your actions must have universality. therefore for if you want to do something it must be okay for everyone else to do it, as Kant uses suicide as an example he says “is it contrary to my duty to take my life if i am in despair due to my many misfortunes? First, i should ask what if all though this way and acted upon it and became a law of nature” Second Maxim is every human should be treated as a end and not a mean, which means you’re not obligated nor allowed to manipulate someone no matter what. Third maxim one should act like you're the moral authority of the entire universe. As we compare this to Friedrich Nietzsche’s thoughts on morality we notice difference. immanuel Kant in