Nike Corporation
Submitted By:
Steven Ritter
May 10, 2007
Financial Analysis Description of Company
History Nike Corporation has become one of the most competitive sports and fitness companies worldwide. Two runners, Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight, from a small town in Oregon embarked upon the business with a handshake agreement. The enterprise began in January of 1964 with the introduction of Blue Ribbon Sports. In 1966 the handshake between Bowerman and Knight was made official with a formal written partnership. While the company was still young there were others who were imperative participants in the growth of the corporation. Jeff Johnson became Blue Ribbon Sports’ first full time employee in 1965. Johnson sold shoes out of the back of his van at high school track meets.
Johnson also opened the first retail store in California and is credited with providing Nike with its name. In 1971 the swoosh trademark was created for a minimal fee of only thirty five dollars by a graphic design student named Carolyn Davidson. By 1972, new athletic footwear was introduced by Blue Ribbon Sports and called Nike. The Blue Ribbon Sports Company had business relations with Onitsuka Tiger for nearly ten years and in 1972 the two hit a bump in the road. Due to a dispute over distribution there was an eventual sever in business dealings between the two companies. That same year the Nike line of footwear made its debut in February at a Chicago sporting goods show. At the 1972 Olympic trials Nike “moon shoes” were introduced featuring the new waffle sole. Along with these new shoes, t-shirts were also being worn bearing the Nike logo. This new brand began to spark an interest. Later that year, Nike signed its first endorsement contract with the Romanian tennis star, Ilie Nastase.
After a tremendous year in 1972, Steve Prefontaine was the first major track athlete to wear Nike. He converted various other athletes to the new
Bibliography: Brigham, Eugene F., and Joel F. Houston. Fundamentals of Financial Management. 11th ed. Willard, OH: R.R. Donnelley, 2007. 116 & 122. "Company Overview." Thomson One Business School Edition. 8 May 2007 <http://tabsefin.swlearning.com:8891/ta/tadashboard.aspx>. “Nike, Inc.” Nikebiz. 6 May 2007. <http://www.nike.com/nikebiz/nikebiz.jhtml?page=3> "Yahoo Finance." Yahoo. 8 May 2007 <http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=nke>.