Degree Programme
School of Engineering and Science
University of the West of Scotland
December 2011
Contents Page
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Front cover
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Contents page
Page 4
1.0 Introduction
Page 5
2.0 Organisation Structure 2.1 Brief History 2.2 Sources of revenue streams 2.3 Recent Developments 2.4 Presents Standing
Page 8 3.0 SWOT Analysis 3.1 Strengths 3.2 Weakness 3.3 Opportunities 3.4 Threats
Page 9 4.0 PEST Analysis 4.1 Political 4.2 Economic 4.3 Sociological 4.4 Technology Page 13 5.0 Market Segmentation 5.1 The Customers 5.2 Consumer Behavior
Page 16 6.0 Marketing Activity 6.1 Products 6.2 Place 6.3 Promotion 6.4 Price 6.5 Branding and Brand Equity
Page 19 7.0 The Future
Page 20 8.0 References
Figure 1 Page 7 - Athletic footwear – Global Market Shares Table 1 Page 14 - Social classes
1.0 Introduction
Nike is a major publicly traded sportswear and equipment supplier based in the United States, Nike is not only known as just a sportswear industry but, also an industry which invests heavily in marketing sports. Nike is an industry that was founded in 1964 by Bill Bowerman and Philip Knight (Nike Inc. 2011). It is fair to say that from where Nike started from, selling shoes from the boot of a car to now being one of the leading world businesses is truly a great achievement to what the industry is today. In order for Nike to be as successful as it is now, it was vital they had a Marketing Strategy. A marketing strategy is a strategy that integrates an organization 's marketing goals into a cohesive whole (Shank. 2009).
This report will discuss the following; Nike’s marketing plan, an environment analysis, its market segmentation, and its market activity of Nike and briefly the future of Nike. Every year Nike spends 100’s of millions on marketing, researching and
References: * Alb, S. I. (2002). E-Marketing. 2nd ed. K&A Press. p131. * Armstrong, G. and Kotler, P. (2003) Marketing An Introduction. 6th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. * BBC 2001, Gap and Nike: No Sweat? [on-line]. Available at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/panorama/970385.stm (Accessed on 5th December 2011) * Beech, J. and Chadwick, S. (2007) The Marketing of Sport. London: Prentice Hall. * Calhoun, A. (2011). Positioning Strategies. Available: http://nicolette-calhoun.suite101.com/positioning-strategies-a348880 (accessed on 13th December). * Centre for Applied Research (2003) Nike’s “Just Do It” Advertising Campaign. [pdf] Centre for Applied Research, [online] Available at: www.cfar.com/Documents/nikecmp.pdf (accessed 14th December) * Hunger, J * Lamb W. C, Hair F. Joseph, McDanie C (2011). MKTG5. Ohio: Cengage Learning . p162 * McGoldrick, P, (2002) Retail Marketing, 2nd Edtion, London; New York: McGraw Hill, p135 * Moskowitz H, Porretta S, Silcher M (2005). Concept research in food product design and development. Iowa: Blackwell Publishing . p125. * Nike Inc * Nike Inc. (2011). About NIKE, Inc. Available: http://nikeinc.com/pages/about-nike-inc. (Accessed 5th December 2011). * Nike Inc.. (2010). Niketown London reopens. Available: http://nikeinc.com/news/niketown-london-reopens-as-worlds-largest-nike-store. (Accessed 4th December 2011) * Nike Inc * Tallo, T (2008). Business Organisation & Management. New Dehli: Tata McGraw-Hill. p199. * Wind, Y. and Cardozo, R. N., 1974, Industrial Marketing Segmentation, Industrial Marketing Management, 3, p155.