
No I Am Not Prince Hamlet

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No I Am Not Prince Hamlet
In this poem by T.S. Eliot, a recurring theme of doubt and lack of confidence in oneself seems to occur towards the end of the poem when he is starting to worry less about the importance of everything. Starting off at line 111 with “ No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be”, starts off the end of the poem with a lack of self confidence, as he is stating that he is not worthy or of power to be considered Prince Hamlet. Also he could be connecting to Prince Hamlet's life, as it was pretty disturbed and saying that he is not meant to be Prince Hamlet as they don’t have similar lifestyles. Then he goes on to talk about how he is growing old and starts questioning himself on the little things, like what he wears and what he eats which differs …show more content…
Although he starts to focus more on the little things he starts to worry about death and begins to have the fear of dying even though death is inevitable as everyone now knows. Yet he seems to go on and forget about his growth and goes to talk about his love for the ocean and the mermaids, which refers to someone in his past that he possibly loved. By the mermaids not singing to him it portrays his pasts experiences with women and how they treat him with no respect which ultimately leaves Prufrock feeling unworthy and unwanted. Then as he feels remorse again he brings up his age with speaking about his white hair and then refers back to the ocean where he begins to talk about something cheerful that human voices will wake us, which shows that we are all alive and well but then he abruptly goes to say “we drown” which ends the poem with everyone drowning in the salty ocean water, which is no way to leave a reader, depressed and confused on why he did so. Throughout this whole section of the poem Prufrock is trying to relate and show readers his past life experiences and what really occurs in the real

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