
No Way Out Of Norway Rhetorical Analysis

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No Way Out Of Norway Rhetorical Analysis
Writer's Statement
For my text production I chose to compose an expository piece (informative speech) called ‘No-way out of Norway’ after I was inspired by the novel, Moby Dick and its negative description of whales as ‘monstrous beings’. My overall intention in writing my piece for Australian conservationists was to uncover the truth behind the Norwegian whaling industry, an industry readily overlooked in favour of the more brutal Japanese traders.
The intended audience of my piece was people attending Brisbane's conservation through sustainable use of wildlife conference. My expository targeted conservationists, by appealing to their desire to help animals. I explicitly stated that the piece was for Australian's through the use of references to the Australian anthem, "girt by sea" and the song give me a "home among the gumtrees". This text type allowed me to target a larger population, helping to raise awareness and alter the Australian perspective of whaling in Norway.
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By portraying whaling in a harsh way through the inclusion of evidential support in the form of statistics,”880 whales” the audience are shocked and forced to agree with the contention that whaling is detrimental for society. This was paired with the use of rhetorical questions to force the audience into thinking about the issue, thus preparing them to agree with my viewpoint. As well as the use of rhetorical questions such as “will you let it turn to silence?” to help convey my point, intertextuality was included with references to Moby Dick through the description of “hoary” whales to appeal to the literary educated crowd. Furthermore, Disney's The Little Mermaid quote “better down where it’s wetter” was included as it is a well-known catch phrase which will get the audience's attention and get them thinking about

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