Nocturnal enuresis is a common childhood condition, with approximately 5-10% of 7 year-olds regularly wetting their beds and the problem may persist into teenage and adulthood (Nevéus, 2011).
Enuresis is classified as primary enuresis (urinary incontinence in a child who has never been dry) and secondary enuresis (urinary incontinence in a child who has been dry for at least 6 months), Primary enuresis is often associated with a familial history of delayed urinary bladder control. Secondary enuresis may also be due to urologic and neurological problems, disorders of the spinal cord, and recurrent urinary tract infection ,90% of enuresis cases are primary (Behrman et al.,2007).
Primary nocturnal enuresis(PNE) is an involuntary empty of urine into the bed in children older than 5 years in the absence of other signs of organic disease or by the …show more content…
Differentiation of cause is mainly based on patient history and fluid charts completed by the parent or career to inform management options (Magura and Ratidzai ,2015).
In addition, a family history of nocturnal enuresis is found in most children. The incidence of primary nocturnal enuresis is 77% among children who have both parents with a history of primary nocturnal enuresis. This rate decreased to 43% in children who have just one parent with a history of primary nocturnal enuresis and to 15% in children who have no parental history of primary nocturnal enuresis (Cederblad et al., 2014).
Primary nocturnal enuresis sometimes presents significant psychosocial problems for children and their parents. Parental attitudes toward a child's bed wetting can make the difference in how a child feels about his bed wetting problem and self Support and praise will help a child. Shame and punishment will not this depend on parent knowledge (Barbara and Homier, 2005)