A true good man through and through would be well rooted in the Holy Bible and would have a strong relationship with God. To the world a good man would be a man who is nice, kind, has a decent job maybe, and overall just has a good life. The Biblical man is way different meaning that good men are rooted in the faith and practice it routinely by going to church, but not only does he need to practice it in the church, he needs to increase his relationship always with God. Although, the world is not sweet and easy and no evil anywhere, you have the good and the bad. Society looks at “bad” people as people who have sinned, broke the law, or go on their on pathway to destruction. Most of the time society will exclude them and label them as “bad” , but Jesus is not society. When Jesus sees you He sees His son and thats what Jesus did when He died on the cross, he took our place and our punishment so that we would not have to. God loves you at all times, even when you sin, because God loves the sinner but hates the sin. Sin affects you and your life. Even when God forgives you, you still have to deal what happens after you sin here. Some consequences could be a young person getting grounded from their cell phone or when you get older and you sin and its against the law, of course the punishment would be however much jail time that the court sees fit for your actions. Man may have a sinful nature but there are still …show more content…
Some people wonder what God’s plan is for them, but its not for them to know. That is when you just let go and let God do His thing in your life and it will flow much smoother. He also has a purpose just like He has a plan for us, He has a purpose for us. Our purpose in life is so that we can spread the good word of Jesus and make disciples to all of the earth and to bring glory and honor to our Lord. We please God by doing what we are asked and what He calls us to do. The purpose of man is in every person. No one life is worthless and only God has the power to take away life, not yourself, not a doctor, only God. In this world we have evil things that are approved, like abortion, do you think it was what God wanted was for millions of doctors to kill millions of innocent, unborn lives. God put them there for a reason and that reason or purpose was not so that it could be formed in the womb and then killed in the womb. Abortion doctors fail to let babies live and to see what God would have done with his or her life and to see God’s purpose live out through him or her. Although abortion doctors kill innocent lives that God has blessed people with and if not the woman giving birth will be blessed by the baby, there will be a family i am sure that would love to have a child to raise and to love. If they were to ask God for forgiveness and repent then they will be forgiven. Even though