Asset Classification
Categories of NPAs
Standard Assets:
Standard assets are the ones in which the bank is receiving interest as well as the principal amount of the loan regularly from the customer. Here it is also very important that in this case the arrears of interest and the principal amount of loan do not exceed 90 days at the end of financial year. If asset fails to be in category of standard asset that is amount due more than 90 days then it is NPA and NPAs are further need to classify in sub categories. Banks are required to classify non-performing assets further into the following three categories based on the period for which the asset has remained non-performing and the realisability of the dues:
(1) Sub-standard Assets
(2) Doubtful
Bibliography: 1. Bhalla V. K. (2001), Financial Management & Policy IInd Edition, Anmol Publications, New Delhi 2. Prasanna Chandra (1999), Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi. 3. Rastogi R. P. (2002), Financial Management, Galgotia Publication, New Delhi. 4. Sharma & Gupta (2001), Financial Management, Kalyani Publication, New Delhi. 5. Pandey I. M. (2003), Financial Management, Vikas Publication House, New Delhi. 6. IBA Bulletin, Monthly Journal Published by the Indian banks Associations May 2005, Vol XXVI No. 5, IBA Bulletin, Monthly Journal Published by the Indian banks Associations.