Unit 2 IP
United States Health System Strengths
Professor Rodriguez
For-profit hospitals provide a service to make a profit which is returned first to organizations and then to their shareholders. Non-profit hospitals exist first to provide a service and second to accumulate assets which are returned to the hospital 's community in the form of additional services (Consumers Union, 1998).
Johns Hopkins Hospital is non-profit healthcare organization that provides many service to the Baltimore community as well as worldwide. They are infamous for their patient care and excellent providers; Johns Hopkins has the best of the best providers employed with their organization. For 21 consecutive years, Johns Hopkins has been number one in patient care. Their services include ENT, OB/GYN, Cardiology, radiology, oncology, pediatrics, internal medicine, nephrology, urology, dermatology, neurosciences. Johns Hopkins offers a wide range of services to treat very ill patients. Johns Hopkins locations are located in rural communities with patients that have Medicaid and Medicare as primary insurances. Most of Johns Hopkins funds come from charitable donations from patients through the power of giving and other charities that donate financially for research.
The providers are professors because Johns Hopkins is a teaching hospital. Johns Hopkins Medicine unites the physicians and scientists of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine with the health professionals and facilities that make up the broad, integrated Johns Hopkins Health System (Johns Hopkins, 2012).
With any healthcare organization whether profit or non-profit, there are strengths and weaknesses. Johns Hopkins has two weaknesses when it comes to patient care. For example, I am a clinic manager for the Department of Neurosciences at Johns Hopkins, we have so many providers and due to high demand for our physicians; we have a high demand for appointments to see
References: Consumers Union. (1998). Preserving the Charitable Trust: Nonprofit Hospital Conversion in Texas. Retrieved March 11, 2012. From http://www.consumersunion.org/health/txconversion798/txconver5-798.htm Health Choice. (2011). HCA hospital services. Retrieved March 11, 2012. From http://www.healthchoiceaz.com/generalproviders/Documents/ProviderManual/Chapter19-HospitalServices/Chapter_19_Hospital_Services_11.2011.pdf Health Finance. (2011). HCA, for-profit hospitals to fall under state Medicaid changes. Retrieved March 11, 2012. From http://www.fiercehealthfinance.com/story/changes-medicaid-could-impact-profit-hospitals-texas/2011-10-04 John Hopkins Hospital. (2012). About us. Retrieved March 11, 2012. From http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/about/perspectives_on_health_care.html