First Mr. Ankit Kumar Sharma, Second Mr. Arpit Kapoor, and Third Mr. Anil Kumar Yadav,, Assistant Professor, Deptt. Of Electrical Engg., JNU, Jaipur; Final Year, Electrical Engineering, JNU Jaipur; Final Year, Electrical Engineering, JNU, Jaipur ABSTRACT
The present energy needs of the world are supplied by the drastic use of non-renewable sources of energy, which are mainly the fossil fuels or the nuclear fuels, which are no doubt very good, but will not last for ever, they will end very soon. By fossil fuels I am throwing light on coal, petroleum, natural gas, etc. which on combustion emits harmful gases such as carbon di oxide, carbon mono oxide which are harmful to the environment.
Though the Renewable resources of energy which are the Solar Energy i.e. the energy from sun, Wind Energy, as the name suggests the energy from wind or the fast moving air, the Geothermal Energy i.e. the energy from the earth, energy generated from water known as hydro energy, biogas and many more. Which are no doubt very good energy sources and the qualities like everlasting and clean that is negligible pollution makes them the best in the lot.
The present generation of energy is more from the non renewable resources which is bad for the nature and for the future also, thus we need to manage the use and organize the usage of both the resources so that they can be saved for the future use and the generation of the energy can be done in more efficient and clean way.
In recent years, India has emerged as one of the leading destinations for investors from developed countries. This attraction is partially due to the lower cost of manpower and good quality production. The expansion of investments has brought benefits of employment, development, and growth in the quality of life, but only to the major cities. This sector only represents a small
References: I. B.R. Gupta “Generation of Electrical Power”, S. Chand Publications. II. C.L. Wadhwa “Generation Distribution and Utilization of Electrical Energy” III. J.B. Gupta “A course in Power System” S.K. Kataria and sons Publications IV. K.R. Rao “Energy and Power generation handbook: Established and Emerging Technologies” V. VI. VII.