
Nordstrom Case Analysis Essay

Satisfactory Essays
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Professor Rothman

Management of Organizations

Spring 2013

Case & Homework Preparation Guide

Case Questions

Case #1: Nordstrom (10% of Final Grade)

1. Analyze the sales jobs at Nordstrom using the job characteristics model (e.g., how motivating and satisfying are these jobs?) (3.5 points) 2. Use expectancy theory to analyze both the pros and cons of Nordstrom’s system for evaluating and rewarding productivity, customer service, and teamwork. (3.5 points) 3. Using what you know (from the readings) about personality, perception, and perceptual biases explain why some employees love Nordstrom and others hate it. What accounts for these very different reactions? (3 points)

Homework Questions

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Compare Bob & Al’s personalities using the personality dimensions discussed in Chapter 2 of the textbook. In what ways do their different personalities affect their behavior? How do their personalities affect their perceptions of each other and their ability to work together? 2. How do Bob and Al differ in their work values? How do they differ in their attitudes (e.g., job satisfaction, organizational commitment) and moods at work? What accounts for their different values, attitudes, and moods? 3. How might perceptual processes and perceptual biases be contributing to the problems in the case? 4. What suggestions would you make to bob and/or Al for managing the situation?

Homework #2: Pay Raise Exercise

1. Decide on the salary increase for each employee (in both dollars and percentage-over-current-salary). 2. Provide a rationale for each of your allocation decisions. What factors were most important to you? Least important? 3. What are the most likely consequences of your allocation decisions, both positive and negative? 4. Would you be comfortable making the pay raise information public? Why or why not? 5. Identify the direct report who you believe is most deserving of a promotion in the coming year.

Homework #3: Twelve Angry Men movie

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