Notice Minutes & Agenda
Submitted to
Arafater Rahman Bhuiyan
BBA (Management) MBA (HRM)
Department of Management
School of Business Administration
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology
Submitted By:
Group : Pioneer(Aguntuk)
Named ID
Sanjy Islam 1096
Albart Jeckson Biswas (C) 1102
Shafiul Islam Abid 1107
Roshan Marshy 1135
Intake 23rd
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)
Date of Submission: 01.01.2011
Letter of Transmittal
Md. Arafater Rahman Bhuiyan
BBA (Management) MBA (HRM)
School of Business Administration
Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)
Subject: Submission of a Report “Notice of Agenda Minutes”
Dear Sir,
Here is my Report on “Notice of Agenda Minutes” that you have assigned me to submit as a partial requirement for the course “Business Communication BUS-(202)”. While preparing this Report I have gone through Internet, different books and class lecturer sheets are the sources of relevant information of the assigned topic.
Though I have put my best effort yet it is very likely that the Repot may have some mistakes & that are unintentional. I hope that the Report will meet your expectation.
I shall be glad to answer any kind of question about any matter relating to this Report and I shall be pleased to provide further clarification if necessary.
Your Faithfully
Albart Jeckson Biswas
On behalf of the Group: (BUBT Pioneer)
ID No: 1102
Bangladesh University of business & Technology
All praises to almighty Allah for enabling me to complete my “Report” with good and sound health.
At this point I would like to acknowledge some of the people who have made a major contribution to prepare the report. It will
References: 1. Rajendra Pal, Essential Business Communication ,11th edition, sultan Chand & Sons 2.Google search machine.