1.) Choice (D) is correct because the list includes the proper noun Samuel, the common concrete nouns girl and wilderness and all three abstract nouns courage, strength and journey. Choice (A) is incorrect because the word displayed is a verb and the word during is an adverb. Choice (B) is incorrect because the words thought and displayed are verbs and the words during and in are both adverbs. Choice (C) is incorrect because the list omits the abstract nouns courage, strength and journey. To answer this question you need to know that nouns are words that name people, places, things and ideas.
2.) Choice (B) is the correct answer because proper nouns are specific not general. Statue of Liberty is a proper noun and specifies exactly which statue is being …show more content…
Choice (A) is incorrect because the word kitten is singular meaning just one kitten. Choice (B) is incorrect because the word girl’s is a singular possessive form of the word girl. The girl is making the choice. There is only one girl involved. Choice (C) is incorrect because the word choice is a singular noun. The girl has only one choice to make. NOTE: The word litter in this sentence is a collective plural noun meaning it is a group of …show more content…
There is one baby that belongs to one giraffe. Choice (A) is incorrect because it is a contraction of the words it and is. You would not say “The giraffe nudged it is baby.” Choice (B) is incorrect because we do not know the gender of the giraffe and if it was female the proper word would be her baby not hers baby. Choice (C) is incorrect because the word their is a plural possessive pronoun and we need a singular possessive pronoun because there is only one giraffe doing the