What I Did On My Holiday by Chrissie Manby
I can’t wait for this holiday. Sophie Sturgeon will have a perfect romantic holiday with Callum Wales. I had prepared the whole thing to be perfect as well as for the night before we head to Majorca. But Callum did not show up. He at last sent a text saying he will not come over. He wants a break up and he will not go to Majorca. I decided to hide in my flat. I can’t go by my own. But I need to look independence like how everyone in the office thought. Hannah and Alison, my officemates, emailed me every single detail about Callum at work.
Clare came as promised to look after my flat and water the plants. I was hiding behind my bedroom door. Clare came again on the second day. This time, I was hiding under my bed. I did not expect her to explore my bedroom and my closet. I can’t stand looking at her feet trying to fit in my new sacred Jimmy Choo’s. I came out from hiding and started explaining everything to her. Clare was suggested herself to join my hiding holiday.
Clare came out with our ‘holiday plan’. She came the day after with her whole giant luggage. What we didn’t expect is Evan wants a proof that she is safely in ‘Majorca’ after a day she ‘landed’ here. Clare with her great idea captured a photo with her phone from the website of the hotel I supposed to stay. Looks like everyone convinced with that photo.
Feeling stuffed, I opened the kitchen window to get a bit of fresh air and saw my backyard. It was one summer day with perfect sun in London. Clare made a beach on my backyard with 8 bags of sand and deckchairs as my birthday present. It really felt like at the beach after my neighbor’s children come to play along. It was my first time knowing my neighbor. Later, as Clare and I lay back in our deckchair, Clare saw smoke coming out from the flat above us. With Clare’s fast instinct, we saved the old lady and her flat from fire. This incident brought almost everyone together. Later on, all the