“From novice to expect” consist of five levels of nursing that transforms a nurse: novice, advanced beginner, competent, proficient, and expert. Each level builds upon a previous acquired step. The novice stage applies to my student nurses because of their lack of clinical experiences. But likewise, an expert clinician may move to a different medical unit, and he/she would lose their expect status. The advanced beginner has prior experiences and does acceptable nursing care. Their past experiences formulate calculated task to care for the patient. I see this transformation when my students complete their first clinical rotation. The competent level is …show more content…
Brenner’s theory shows movement from building on past experiences, and abstract principles to concrete models of care. I see this with my students. They become engaged with their patients, and they view them as whole person instead of separate body systems. Philosophical underpinnings are based on the difference between practical and theoretical knowledge. Practical situations are more complex than they initially appear. Experience and mastery are necessary for a skill to be transformed to a higher level of skill. Brenner’s philosophy is the connections between external and internal events (Alligood, 2014).
The goal of any instructor is to facilitate practical knowledge with theoretical knowledge. I feel that Brenner’s theory clearly explains this phenomenon. Her theory is easy to understand and move in a systematic way in the education an expert nurse (Drumm,