HIV causes AIDS. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. It breaks down the immune system (our body's protection against disease). HIV causes people to become sick with infections that normally wouldn't affect them.
AIDS is short for immune deficiency syndrome. It is the most advanced stage of HIV disease.
- How does HIV spread?
HIV is spread by an infected person to someone else when there is an exchange of semen, vaginal fluids or blood. This happens during sexual intercouse, through the sharing of needles for injection or from an infected pregnant mother to her child at or about the time of birth.
- Can HIV be transmited by kissing?
The virus has been found in saliva of HIV infected people but saliva does not transmit HIV. If both partners have cuts or scores in the …show more content…
Frist of all don’t be shy or afraid to seek for help. See your doctor and ask for an STD check up or go to a gynecologist. Don’t wait for the symptoms to go away and don’t ignore them. Sexually transmited deseases are common and highly contagoious and are more easily treated if noticed early.
- What to do to keep from getting an STI?
The best way to avoid contracting a sexually transmitted disease is not to have sex. However, that isn't a choice that most people are always willing to make. Once you have chosen to have sex, there are ways to reduce the risk of contracting an STD. How?
First, you need to know yourself. Second, you need to know your partner, and third You need to know about condoms and having safer sex.
- What If I Have HIV/AIDS and I Am Pregnant?
If you have HIV and are pregnant, consult a health care provider who knows about HIV disease. Without treatment, about 25 out of 100 babies born to women with HIV are also infected. However, the use of HIV medicines, cesarean delivery, and refraining from breastfeeding can reduce the risk of transmission to less than 2 out of