A local network will have differing topologies. A topology is the physical structure of how components are connected on the network. Networks can have as little as two computers or any number more that are connected in some way. A buss topology is used to …show more content…
HTML is currently in its fifth revision or HTML53. With HTML5 a standard is set for how to display the web page; where pictures are displayed, fonts used for text and total layout of the page. XML (extensible markup language) is used for web documents. CCS (cascading style sheet) is written into the HTML document or attached as a file to define the appearance of the displayed page.
TCP/IP is a suite of standards that computers use to communicate with across a medium4. TCP (transmission control protocol) is a protocol that requires a connection to transfer data from one node to another. UDP (user datagram protocol) does not require a connection. Information is split up into small sections called packets and sent over the medium. UDP does not require as much packet overhead as TCP and is more efficient to send data quickly. TCP is better for error checking of the data sent and received. Any protocol used has its