NT1310 Physical Networking
Unit 3 Assignment 1: Network Topology Paper
There are many different types of network topologies. They each have their different strong points. They also have their own disadvantages. There are 3 main network topologies used today, hierarchical star, bus and ring. In the following paragraphs I will go into each of these topologies. The first network topology is hierarchical star, also known as the tree topology. This topology has different levels. The top level is the ‘root’ node; it serves as the central connection to the next level of computers. Then the second levels of computers serves as a connection to the third level of computers so on and so forth for the rest of the computers.
This topology has at least 3 levels of computers if it was any less it would be a bus topology. The hierarchical star is very easy to design; you connect each computer to another computer until the network is established. It is very inexpensive because it is not necessary to use routers if you don’t need to; you are daisy chaining the network connection from each level of devices. On the other side, if the connection on a higher level of devices disconnects from the network that whole branch of the topology is disconnected from the network. Also the speed of the connection from each level can scale according to the quality of cable of the higher level.in other words if you upgrade a lower level of the network you won’t see an increase of speed unless you upgrade every other level above your network. This type of network topology would be best suited for a wide area network (WAN)
Bus Topology The bus network topology is also a very popular network topology. With the bus topology every computer is connected by one single cable. This topology is affected by the number of computers attached to it. Only one computer can send data at one time. Bad thing about bus topology is that if the main cable breaks the whole network is shut down. It is also very hard to find the problem when it is shutdown. But it is not all bad. It is very inexpensive to connect and very easy to install. This type of network topology works well with small or temporary networks that run at a low speed.
And the last network topology is the ring. The reason it is called the ring is because all computers are connected by a single loop of cable. In the ring topology all information flows in one direction. At each computer it passes each computer repeats the signal. Adding any computers to the network will not degrade the signal. Like the bus topology if the connection fails the network will shut down. It will also shutdown if you adding or removing any computers to the network. Data packets move slower because the packets have to move through every computer until it gets to the recipient. This type of network is best with office buildings or school campuses.
Ring Topology
Works Cited
Star Topology ring Topology bus Topology Logical Physical mesh Topology. (2014). Retrieved from www.ComputerNetworkingNotes.com: http://computernetworkingnotes.com/network-technologies/network-topologies.html#addcomments
Wepman, J. (n.d.). What Are the Benefits of Hierarchical Network Design? Retrieved from ehow.com: http://www.ehow.com/info_12173749_benefits-hierarchical-network-design.html