An RFC or Request for Comments is just as its name implies documents that are published in order to solicit feedback on new technologies. The main purpose of an RFC is to be available for public comments so the new or modified standard for the Internet or networking protocol can be refined and agreed upon. Some common RFC’s are RFC1866 (HTML), RFC894 (Ethernet), and RFC1180 (TCP/IP). RFC’s date back all the way to 1969 when the first RFC was published, RCF 1. RFC 1 was about host software and was made while working on the ARPA net. I bring up RFC 1 just as an example of how RFC’s documenting standards over the evolution of technology can be a great tool of keeping record. …show more content…
The main distributors of an Internet Draft are the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The documents posted as Internet Drafts are working documents which are under review, revision, and available all to be informally reviewed. Internet Drafts can also be submitted other organizations to the IETF to be reviewed. The main difference between an Internet Draft and an RFC seems to be Internet Drafts are more volatile being subject to change constantly or complete removal and are actually used as drafts and then sort of upgraded into an actual